Ministries of Vision International or ‘MVI’ exists to provide support, training, encouragement, and relationship for church and ministry leaders. Through MVI, pastors and leaders are free to pursue their individual calling in an environment that offers genuine relationships, appropriate accountability, and global connections.
Bill Byers
Board Member
Juan Carlos Manszewitsch
Vice President
Dr. Rick Paris
Steve Warriner
Jeff Collins
Board Member
Apostolic Leaders
Additional Board Members:
Jody Stamer, Walter Catlett, Jason Warriner, James Warren and Fernando Ruata
Palestine Church is proud to be a part of MVI global family and the network of churches it represents.
We believe that every church should be 'glocal' or engaged in strong and vibrant ministry both globally and locally. We are committed to reaching everything and fellowship Christ.
We believe in providing opportunities to build life-long ministry friendships for support, encouragement and fellowship.
We believe that all that we do should be birthed in our personal prayer closet and in corporate prayer meetings.
We believe in the autonomy of the local church and individual ministries. Churches and ministries should have the freedom to be self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating.
We believe that it is important to walk in biblical accountability one to another.
We are known by the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, not the anointing and power upon us. We emphasize character over charisma and godliness over giftedness.
MVI is a family and in a family there are fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters. We value these relationships and intentionally develop, empower, and support spiritual sons and daughters to walk in and develop their callings. We are committed to seeing the next generation step into their destiny as leaders in the kingdom of God.